Early Years Settings (Kindergartens)

There are about 1500 Waldorf Kindergartens in 52 countries worldwide. The Waldorf Early Year Centres are represented by in the “Internationale Vereinigung der Waldorfkindergärten e.V.” (International Association of Waldorf Kindergartens)

Many Waldorf and Rudolf Steiner schools have Waldorf Kindergartens associated with the school. Furthermore, there are a great number of Kindergartens which exist independently and which have their own organisational structures.

For further information please contact:

International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education,
Box 34
161 26 Stockholm
Tel: +46-8-551 70 250 (Tues-Thur 10:30-17:30/ Mon-Don 10:30-17:30)
e-mail: info@iaswece.org
Website: www.iaswece.org